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',\n ],\n listContent:[\n 'The Spacing Effect/Spaced Repetition: the algorithm spaces out questions based on the forgetting curve, giving you questions for a concept just as you\\'re about to forget it.
',\n 'The Testing Effect: Instead of just giving you passive information, you have to actively answer questions. This magnifies the impact of the Spacing Effect and leads to better encoding to long-term memory.'\n ],\n },\n {\n background: 'bg-light-green',\n spacing: 'pt-3 pb-3',\n super: 'Step 5',\n title: 'Utilise other neuroscience techniques to get an unfair advantage',\n content: [\n '
a. Microlearning
',\n 'Starting to study is often the hardest part of studying and leads to a lot of procrastination. But if you break down studying (and all big projects!) into small chunks it\\'s way easier to start. It\\'s kind of like how it\\'s easier to binge watch 4 episodes of a TV show than to commit to watching a movie.',\n 'To use this effect, we\\'ve only made each lesson have a maximum of 10 questions that take about 10-15 minutes to complete. This makes it way easier to start studying and continue with it.',\n 'Also, you get a sense of accomplishment when you complete a lesson or two and don\\'t always feel like you\\'re not doing enough.
',\n '
b. Meta-learning
',\n 'Meta-learning is just a fancy way of saying \\'reflecting on your own learning\\' or \\'learning about your learning.\\' Our research has found that when students reflect on why they got the question wrong it leads to better long-term learning improvement. ',\n 'This is why at the end of each incorrect answer we ask why you think the question is wrong (read the question wrong, didn\\'t know, silly mistake etc). In the future, we\\'ll be releasing a feature where you can not only see which questions you got wrong, but why you got them wrong. '\n\n ]\n },\n\n]","import React from 'react'\n\n// Bootstrap\nimport Container from 'react-bootstrap/Container'\nimport Row from 'react-bootstrap/Row'\nimport Col from 'react-bootstrap/Col'\n\n//Components\nimport SEO from '../components/SEO/seo'\nimport Button from '../components/Button/button'\nimport Layout from '../components/Layout/layout'\nimport Section from '../components/Section/section'\nimport GetStarted from '../components/GetStarted/getStarted'\n\n//utils\nimport { QS_HOW_IT_WORKS_DATA } from '../utils/pages/qsHowItWorksPage'\n\nclass ProcessPage extends React.Component {\n\n __renderHeroSection() { \n return
\n \n \n
A fully guided path to an A*- A
Everyone talks about studying smarter not harder – but how do you do that?
Our guided program shows you how.
\n \n \n
\n \n \n \n \n
\n }\n\n render(){\n return <>\n \n \n {this.__renderHeroSection()}\n {\n QS_HOW_IT_WORKS_DATA.map((section, index) => (\n \n ))\n }\n All you need to do is follow our program and answer the questions.`}\n secondaryButtonText={`Just answer questions and you will get an A - A* - guaranteed`}\n />\n \n >\n }\n}\n\nexport default ProcessPage"],"sourceRoot":""}